Give your support.
Support small local businesses, farmers or just small shops. They provide locally sourced products. There are many small businesses that aim to reduce plastic packaging but need your help to count on them.
Be sustainably FASHIONABLE
Don't be basic and buy clothes from Shein, buy good quality clothes in thrift shops or second hand stores. Give a new life to a peice of clothing. Also, tote bags are the new thing. Use a cotton toebag which can be found in many shops around the world. Not only is it fashionable but it also reduces plastic waste.
Raise your voice.
Don't be shy and speak up. Bring awareness to those who don't know about environmental issues. Go protest and sign petitions and share your ideas because they matter and some people can't raise their voice, you should.
The thing i found hardest about living a sustainable lifestyle is that it is almost impossible. There are always exceptions however if you try your best and make as many swaps as you can, slowly we can make a change in this world. Every step counts, even the small one